Sunday, June 04, 2006

Don't take me out to the ball game

In April I was asked to play softball. I've never really played, but I've always wanted too, so I was geeked and went out and bought some cleats and found my mitt. So after playing two weeks so far (missed one week because of the wedding and another weekend was a rain out.) I've batted twice and been in the field three times so I was hoping for some playing time in our required double header, two games I have to get in I know it. I late for the first game. I had a prior engagement at our church. I leave my meeting early I even change in the church parking lot to save time. I rush to the game. Everyone is worried about the foot, but I'm moving fairly well... I've worked with worse. First game ends... No playing time. Second game starts.... I'm on the bench. DAMN IT! I wait three innings and I'm starting to get pissed. I paid to play and half of the current team playing are friends and family of the "manager" and the pitcher. I finally get in and I strike out. Then I am immediately pulled. "You can't play with your foot."

Well I'm done with this team. The one think I wanted was to play instead I am that kid from middle school nobody wanted on there team so they made him team manager. I'm no longer going to be team manager I'm quitting. Truthfully I don't want to quit, but I'm just tired of wasting Sundays sitting on my ass watching other people play ball. I can do that at home and same myself the entry fee and gas to get there. Maybe it's because I'm not taking it too seriously and not starting a fight with the other team because our pitcher is having problems getting strikes. Maybe if I played like that I'd get in more. Well we will never know. Maybe I can still get my twenty dollars back.

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