Saturday, April 21, 2007

Much Better Place

Yesterday I was called into the news directors office to discuss what went wrong in Blackburg. Normally these meetings are painful and blame is placed mostly towards one person or towards a single incident. To my amazement everyone to blame and the meeting was to actually figure out how to make things better for when it because hurricane season making things better, what a novel idea.

Also I feel that I am making the turn from this event and starting to get back to my normal self. When I go through something that is very stressful it takes me a few days for the effects to go away. While at The Network it seemed like I could never make that turn and get to a "happy place," and I finally figured out why. Here in Raleigh, everyone on staff talked about it and is starting to move on. Then there is the key point I'm not going to work with Blondie for a few days and may not work with her for a few weeks. At The Network I had one reporter I did not like, and with such a small staff I would get maybe a day away and at times the next day I had to work with him. It just compounded things and I could not "breathe."

I've already shot a decent story and now it's my weekend and I get to relax and know that come money I'll probably work with the reporter who will be known as Boston and probably kick out a quick and decent package. After three years I am finally starting to feel happy multiple times a week. I don't know if I can handle this.

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