Today I was forced into helping with a "it's hurricane season" special when I get a call from the
mortgage company, I was worried till I heard the words, "what time of day do you want to close." Those were the greatest and
scariest words in the world. We are now home owners. We got the house and we sign the papers on the 27
th! We have a lot to do over the next few weeks, no more free time for me. I'm either going to be packing or working. Crap we have a lot of stuff.
Congratulations! Do you have a special room for your monkey?
Well, The Wife is allowing me to use the bonus room as a partial man cave where your monkey can be free! Wait... did that sound dirty?
Don't let them rip you off in the closing.
Now, you have a trade to finish!
how exciting!!! congratulations!
where your monkey can be free! Wait... did that sound dirty?
I almost typed "Do you have a special room for your pet monkey, but thought better of it.
Turns out I should have just gone there, since you did anyway.
And yes, it sounds dirty. We wouldn't really like it any other way.
That's what she said!
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