OK, that was a lie, you all know me and probably figured out my night alone and if you said order a pizza and watch seasons 3 and 5 of the Simpsons then you won the prize (as usual the prize is a hug from me). It's pretty sad state of affairs for me, but at the same time it was totally awesome. So I am now resigned to the fact I am a married guy and have become "that guy." I was never a partier, but I use to go out. Oh well, Lucy and I had fun any ways.
Simpsons seasons 3-5 is definitely quality. Hope you had fun. The Civee had to go to Cincinnati Wednesday-Thursday, so I had a night alone too. Watched the Yankees game- the whole game. Not too shabby.
To bad you were so far away. I'm sure I could have spiced up the weekend.
you party animal!
JB, I'm not even married, but having a live-in girlfriend has led me to discover that even without being married, I've always been "that guy." Just no real desire to be social. Funny huh?
And I agree with Tom, you can never go wrong with The Simpsons (particularly when Dr. Zaius is a guest star).
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